Greetings friends,

We’re using this space today to share information about a new resource available to our church community and friends.

Drawing inspiration from our core value, “An Active Faith,” we are using our website to share volunteer opportunities that are available to support our church and its ministries, as well as in the greater community.

At a time when many of us are concerned about “Real Life” and its impact on ourselves and our neighbors, we wonder what we can do to make a difference. The page on our website will provide a list of opportunities for anyone who can make the time to volunteer.

NOTE: Some of these volunteer gigs are one-time, while others are a longer commitment. Some are things you can do from home (administrative type of work or make phone calls, for example) and for others, you will need to travel to a specific site. So don’t count yourself out, if you have limited time or it’s hard for you to travel.

We also hope you’ll share your volunteer experiences with us – either by sending a photo and/or a short write-up about how you are helping others (also to Please send items you are willing to have shared in our newsletter, on our website, and on our Facebook page.

Thank you for considering these opportunities to ‘raise your hand’ and show your faith in action. We appreciate and are proud of your assistance to make this a lively, thriving resource for our community!


Carol Burns
Communications Manager