It’s my privilege and pleasure to announce that the Co-Moderator of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (USA) has accepted my invitation to preach in worship at First Presbyterian Church of Bethlehem next Sunday, December 17, at both services.

The General Assembly is the highest council of the Presbyterian Pastor JC AustinChurch (USA), setting policy for the denomination as a whole and directing resources, statements, and studies to be produced on a wide range of topics. It is an honor for any church to have a sitting Moderator come preach and/or speak, and so I hope you will make a special effort to be in worship next Sunday and either stay or come back for lunch and a conversation with the Co-Moderator in Fellowship Hall immediately following the 11 a.m. service.

This is particularly true because this is not just any Co-Moderator, but the Rev. Ruth F. Santana-Grace, whom many of you will remember was an Associate Pastor right here at First Presbyterian of Bethlehem for many years! Ruth served this congregation faithfully and well, and now serves as Executive Presbyter of the Presbytery of Philadelphia.

But she and her family return often to us in Bethlehem for Christmas Eve and other special occasions. This year, it’s particularly fitting that she will be speaking to us in her capacity as Co-Moderator of the General Assembly on the Third Sunday of Advent, on which we traditionally light the Candle of Joy. It is indeed a joy to welcome Ruth “home” to Bethlehem as both a dear friend of this congregation and one of the leaders of our denomination.

Again, Ruth will be preaching in both services and will be speaking about her experiences as Co-Moderator at a luncheon after the 11 a.m. service. After the meeting of the General Assembly closes for which they have served, the Co-Moderators spend the next two years traveling the country and the world representing the General Assembly and interpreting its actions, as well as playing a crucial role in strengthening relationships within the denomination and with denominational partners abroad.

Her presentation of her experiences and perspectives will be both enlightening and intriguing, and I urge you not to miss it.

Grace and Peace,


To help us with a headcount for the Christmas Luncheon, please RSVP if you plan to attend. Lunch will be provided, however we can use some volunteers to bring a simple dessert. You can use this link for both the RSVP and dessert sign-up, or call us at 610-867-5865.