A lot is happening at First Pres in the next week! First, a reminder about this Sunday.

The Rev. Ruth Santana-Grace, former associate pastor here and current Co-Moderator of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (USA), will be preaching both services this Sunday and speaking about her experiences as Co-Moderator over lunch after the 11 a.m. service.

This is a delightful opportunity for us to both welcome Ruth “home” and hear from a General Assembly Co-Moderator about the national church and our international partners. And, later that day, we will have our annual Christmas Joy Concert in the Sanctuary at 7 p.m. (new time), which is always a wonderful event to hear our choir and special guests welcome in the Christmas season. Please make a special effort to be a part of this unique day! (You can attend in person or watch the concert via livestream on our Facebook page or website.)

Next Wednesday, December 20, at 6 p.m. we will offer our annual Longest Night Worship Service. It is almost literally the “longest night” this year, but the title is also metaphorical in the sense of the challenges of the Christmas season for anyone who is experiencing any kind of loss or grief, whether that is a new development or an ongoing reality. It is a contemplative service, held in Fellowship Hall, and creates space for both mourning and hope in the context of Christmas. It is a particularly meaningful service and I encourage you to make space and time for it if you are at all able.

And finally, it is not too early to be looking ahead to Christmas Eve! After our Sunday morning Combined Service at 10 a.m. in the Sanctuary, we will have two services: the Intergenerational Service at 4 p.m. and the Traditional Christmas Eve Service at 7 p.m. Both take place in the Sanctuary and include candlelighting and a brief sermon. Make your plans for joining us either in person or online for a merry and blessed Christmas Eve celebration!

Grace and Peace,