A MESSAGE FROM REV. J.C. AUSTIN: Enjoying the waning days of summer

Even though students are back in school in Bethlehem, and people mostly wear white whenever they feel like it these days, it really doesn’t feel like the end of summer to me until Labor Day weekend. It’s like a last moment of rest and recreation before the pace of the world picks up again into the fall.

So I hope that you will take at least a few moments this weekend to rest from whatever your own labor is, which includes joining us for worship on Sunday to be restored through music and prayer and Scripture and Communion! We will also enjoy the last Lemonade on the Lawn hospitality time of this summer; many thanks to the Hospitality Team for making them happen.

In September, the pace of our church picks up, as well, with the Chancel Choir returning on Sunday, September 15, to help lead worship at the 10:30 a.m. service, Sunday School for children at both services again, Hearts N Minds adult education beginning, and so on.

But before we do all of that, we are going to gather for a Combined Service next Sunday, September 8, and celebrate the gifts of God’s creation and this community of faith by worshipping together at 10 a.m. outside around the front steps of the church! We will set up chairs in front of the steps and space for musicians and worship leaders on the steps, and we will worship together combining elements of traditional and contemporary worship styles.

Following the service, we will enjoy a picnic on the front lawn together. The Congregational Life Committee is asking people to sign up for the picnic to help with potluck donations and a couple of volunteer requests (parking, games, set-up, etc.). If you are able to bring a dish to the picnic, that would be welcome but not required. You can sign up here or call the Main Office with your information.

So: enjoy your Labor Day weekend, and I hope to see you in worship for our normal schedule this week and the special service and picnic next week!

Grace and Peace,