For many churches, summer is a time when the energy and activity levels “power down,” programs and committees go on hiatus, and things get very quiet around the church office. But not this one! In many ways we continue to be “powering up” around here.

Worship attendance at both 9 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. services has remained strong every week. Our Hospitality Team brought back Lemonade on the Lawn between our two Sunday services, where you can find a crowd of people either leaving worship or coming to it under the trees in the back of the church, sipping lemonade and enjoying each other’s company. Our summer adult education class on “Taking the War out of Our Words” has been a major success, with many people coming every week to discuss how to navigate conflict and disagreement with grace and compassion in both church and society. And our Session, Deacons, many committees, and task forces remain hard at work expanding on the solid foundation of ministry that we have been building up over the last six months, and preparing for even greater work in the fall.

We talked about much of this in the Town Hall meeting last Sunday, but if you missed it, you can listen to a recording here.

With all that said, after this Sunday I am looking forward to a couple of weeks of vacation from August 10-24 — not so much powering down as resting up for an exciting fall of mission and ministry together as we step into the future to which God is calling us!

I hope to see you this Sunday and that the rest of the summer blesses you wherever you are!

Grace and Peace,