Winston Churchill once said, “Kites fly higher when they are against the wind.” I remember so well flying a kite with my dad. Always the adventurer, he would add extra string, make a strong tail, and reinforce the frame so when the kite caught the wind it wouldn’t break. Once we felt the tug of the string as the wind got under the kite, that was when we had to hold on the tightest, as kite and wind competed for space in the sky. But once it did catch, just as Churchill said, the kite flew higher and higher!

We often find ourselves in situations where we feel we are flying against the wind. We too feel the wind in our face and feel the heaviness in our hearts. “Will this ever end?” we ask. “How much longer, Lord?” we pray. Yet somehow, like the kite, we find ourselves growing stronger as we adjust to the turmoil, the chaos, and find the endurance for this time in our lives.

As your pastoral caregiver, I meet so many of you that know, all too well, what it feels like to stand against the wind. But you do! Your faith is an inspiration to me, and I am so grateful for the opportunity to walk along side you in the midst of your struggles.

Please know that you are not alone. Our church community is a praying community, and we hold you fast in prayer. We can be assured that our gracious and faithful God knows what you are going through and will give you what you need.

In the narthex–the room immediately in front of the sanctuary– are prayer request cards. If you have a prayer concern for yourself or someone you know, simply fill one out and drop it in the collection plate. Each week a list is prepared to let us all know who is in the hospital and who needs prayer. These prayer lists are also in the narthex and other racks throughout the church.

Just a reminder: if you are in the hospital or know you will be, please call the church and let us know. Hospital admittance does not always ask about your church affiliation, and we have no way of knowing you or someone else is in the hospital. Both I and our hospital ministrants are blessed to be able to visit you.

Finally, I am in the office on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, and can always be reached by phone. Please, feel free to leave me a message at 610-867-5865, ext 209.

Many blessings to you,